Carpe Datem: Big Data Analytics are No Longer Optional
“Carpe diem … seize the day,” writes Roger Schenck, Manager of Content Promotions at Chemical Abstracts Service (CAS). “This Latin phrase, coined by the Roman poet Horace in 23 BC, is used
In this blog, we discuss cognitive computing and other technologies with a focus on supply chain management and innovation. Other topics of discussion include digital enterprise transformation, marketing, the Internet of Things, and smart cities. Our goal is to advance the public discussion about how cognitive computing and other advanced technologies affect the world in which we live.
Bradd C. Hayes is the active editor of this blog.
“Carpe diem … seize the day,” writes Roger Schenck, Manager of Content Promotions at Chemical Abstracts Service (CAS). “This Latin phrase, coined by the Roman poet Horace in 23 BC, is used
Millennials are often discussed as though they form a homogeneous (even monolithic) group. But as I have pointed out in several past articles, nothing could be further from the truth. That shouldn’t
“A study of cross-industry supply chain executives by Barloworld Supply Chain Software (Barloworld SCS), found 83 per cent of respondents reported average or poor business performance,” reports Marino Donati. “Around 60 per
Most people want to live longer and healthier lives. Spicing up your life might be just the ticket to reaching that goal. Nathan Seppa (@nathanseppa) reports, “Spicy food in the diet seems
“I have no doubt the world is going to see more change in the next 10 years,” writes Andrew Penn (@andy_penn), Chief Executive Officer at Telstra, “than it has in the previous
“The digital path to purchase is the next logical step in the path to purchase evolution,” Tom Furphy (@tomfurphy), chairman of IdeoClick, told Bill Bishop (@BrickMeetsClick). “Segmentation and broad messages were necessary
In his two decades of consulting on supply chain management matters, Steve Banker (@steve_scm), Service Director for SCM at ARC Advisory Group, claims to have a seen a number of “revolutions” advance
“Manufacturing worldwide is on the cusp of a revolution,” writes Kevin O’Marah (@komarah), chief content officer, and Pierfrancesco Manenti (@PierManenti), VP of research at SCM World. “New information technologies are suddenly offering
“Federal and local governments around the world are expected to spend $475.5 bn technology products and services by 2019,” reports Kevin Chen, Vice President of Analytics and Chief Scientist for Experian’s North
“Machines are good at complex tasks,” writes Lynda Gratton (@lyndagratton), a professor of management practice at London Business School, “but not at activities that humans find simple. The answer is for people
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