Predictive Analytics: Businesses’ Crystal Ball
“What if you could predict what products or services your customers wanted before they did,” asks Dr. James Canton (@futureguru), CEO of the Institute for Global Futures. “What if you knew how
In this blog, we discuss cognitive computing and other technologies with a focus on supply chain management and innovation. Other topics of discussion include digital enterprise transformation, marketing, the Internet of Things, and smart cities. Our goal is to advance the public discussion about how cognitive computing and other advanced technologies affect the world in which we live.
Bradd C. Hayes is the active editor of this blog.
“What if you could predict what products or services your customers wanted before they did,” asks Dr. James Canton (@futureguru), CEO of the Institute for Global Futures. “What if you knew how
When it comes to marketing, Delshad Irani and Ravi Balakrishnan decry the fact that overblown claims are being made about artificial intelligence (AI). “In the marketing world,” they write, “it’s caused the
“We’re still a few years away from having robots at our beck and call,” writes Or Shani, founder and CEO of Adgorithms, “but [artificial intelligence (AI)] has already had a profound impact
Cities are unique. Like a Siren’s call, their uniqueness beckons residents and tourists alike; and, that uniqueness should be celebrated and preserved. That’s why trying to develop a template for smart cities
The digital path to purchase has been growing for years. Laura Stevens (@LauraStevensWSJ) reports, “For the first time, consumers say they bought more of their purchases on the web than in stores,
The 21st century business landscape will be characterized by the rise of the intelligent enterprise (i.e., organizations that use cognitive computing systems to increase efficiency and effectiveness). The first step towards the
Little wonder people are getting confused about the future of computing and automation. Bruno Michel (@BmiBruno), a scientist at IBM Research – Zurich, writes, “Ever since the American computer scientist John McCarthy
“Which picture more accurately describes the impact of automation on a workforce,” asks Adrienne Selko (@ASelkoIW), “an orchestrated collaboration between man and machine, or a worker being shown the door as the
Supply chain risks that result in disruptions continue to cost businesses billions of dollars a year. Gavin van Marle (@LoadstarGav) reports, “New research from the British Standards Institute (BSI) has found that
“Manufacturing supply chains are experiencing levels of change heretofore unprecedented in their history,” writes Richard Howells (@howellsrichard), a Vice President at SAP.[1] He draws that conclusion from a white paper published by
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