Category: Artificial Intelligence

In this blog, we discuss cognitive computing and other technologies with a focus on supply chain management and innovation. Other topics of discussion include digital enterprise transformation, marketing, the Internet of Things, and smart cities. Our goal is to advance the public discussion about how cognitive computing and other advanced technologies affect the world in which we live.

Bradd C. Hayes is the active editor of this blog.


On the Road to AI Superintelligence

New knowledge is being generated at such a dramatic rate that humans can no longer be expected to absorb and understand it. Pippa Malmgren, Founder and CEO of the Geopolitica Institute, explains,

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Does AI Pose an Existential Threat?

The late theoretical physicist Stephen Hawking told the BBC, “The development of full artificial intelligence could spell the end of the human race.”[1] Hawking used the term “full artificial intelligence” to mean

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