Is the Time Ripe for Automation?
Most people think of fruit when they hear the term “ripe.” So what does it mean when the term is used in a business setting? Vocabulary.com notes, “Ripe means ready. Ripe can
Bradd C. Hayes is the active editor of this blog.
Most people think of fruit when they hear the term “ripe.” So what does it mean when the term is used in a business setting? Vocabulary.com notes, “Ripe means ready. Ripe can
In military operations, there is a notion called “the fog of war.” The concept is often traced back to Carl von Clausewitz, a Prussian general and military theorist, who wrote, “War is
How important is customer loyalty? Business consultant Jeffrey Gitomer (@gitomer) insists, “Customer satisfaction is worthless. Customer loyalty is priceless.”[1] On the other hand, A.G. Lafley, former CEO of Procter & Gamble, and
Over a century ago, the late English educator Frederick William Hackwood wrote, “Man has to eat to live; and to this primary condition of life he raises no particular objection. Man, indeed,
Veterans Day began as a celebration commemorating the end of a war — a conflict now known as the First World War. The hope was that the First World War would end
Innovate or die. How often over the past half-century have you heard that warning? Over that same time period, how often have you heard innovation is slowing down or speeding up? A
A score of years ago, my friend Dr. Thomas P.M. Barnett wrote, “The defining achievement of the New Economy in the globalization era will be the Evernet, a downstream expression of today’s
“The future of food retailing is on display,” writes Marian Zboraj, Digital Editor of Progressive Grocer.[1] This future vision, she reports, can be found “in the outskirts of Des Moines, Iowa, where
Ransomware attacks have made for sensational headlines the last couple of years; however, ransomware attacks are not new, but they are intensifying. According to The Economist, “The first attempt at ransomware was
“Your computers and servers are encrypted, backups are deleted. We use strong encryption algorithms, so you cannot decrypt your data.” That was the message that appeared on computer screens at Colonial Pipeline
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