Innovation and the Digital Enterprise
Recently, I served as a panelist on a webinar sponsored by Supply Chain Insights. The topic of focus for the webinar was “Big Data and Analytics” and how they relate to the
Bradd C. Hayes is the active editor of this blog.
Recently, I served as a panelist on a webinar sponsored by Supply Chain Insights. The topic of focus for the webinar was “Big Data and Analytics” and how they relate to the
“Sometime in the not too distant future,” predicts Jordan Novet (@jordannovet), “your doctor could write you a prescription for a smartwatch and an app to track your health. Data will flow out
Those of us residing in the United States consider ourselves blessed to be living in a land of plenty — one of the breadbaskets of the world. Mariana Chilton (@MarianaChilton), associate professor
Confectioners, card companies, and flower shops love holidays. Valentine’s Day is no exception. The day, of course, is named in honor of a Christian saint. According to Wikipedia, “The day was first
“Machines can make cities smarter,” declares Spyros Salpeas, Head of Global Services, MENA, at Orange Business Services. “Machine-to-machine (M2M) — also known as the ‘internet of things’ — technology, designed to communicate
The late department store magnate John Wanamaker once stated, “Half the money I spend on advertising is wasted. The trouble is I don’t know which half.” Retailers have dealt with that conundrum
“The pace of innovation in marketing technology is astounding,” writes Doug Camplejohn (@camplejohn), CEO and founder of Fliptop. “Adobe, Salesforce, SAP, IBM and Oracle all have their own take on one-stop enterprise
“More and more companies, both large and small,” writes David Wagner (@DavidWagner16), director of Market development at TeamQuest, “are beginning to utilize big data and associated analysis approaches as a way to
“In his seminal work, The Fortune at the Bottom of the Pyramid,” writes Amitava Chattopadhyay (@AmitavaChats), the GlaxoSmithKline Chaired Professor of Corporate Innovation at INSEAD, “C.K. Prahalad likened the distribution of wealth
“While the risk of business disruption can come from anything ranging from natural disasters to economic and political crises,” writes Daina Lawrence (@DainaCLawrence), “the big question many business leaders ask is how
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