Industry 4.0 is More than Hype
Industry 4.0 (or the Fourth Industrial Revolution) was the central focus the World Economic Forum earlier this year. As usual, the WEF tackled a topic with enormous potential to change the world
Bradd C. Hayes is the active editor of this blog.
Industry 4.0 (or the Fourth Industrial Revolution) was the central focus the World Economic Forum earlier this year. As usual, the WEF tackled a topic with enormous potential to change the world
“For the first time,” reports Laura Stevens (@LauraStevensWSJ), “consumers say they bought more of their purchases on the web than in stores, according to an annual survey of more than 5,000 online
Younger generations might be surprised to learn that Independence Day (i.e., the Fourth of July) only became a Federal Holiday in 1870, nearly a hundred years after American colonists declared independence. As
“The decades-old paradox of Schrödinger’s cat, in which the feline is both dead and alive at the same time, has taken a giant leap forward,” reports Jason Thomson (@jason_a_thomson). “The cat now
“Supply chains,” writes Abe Eshkenazi (@aeshkenazi), CEO of APICS, “are like the central nervous system in humans — they are complex, integral systems that are constantly interacting with their environment.”[1] Central nervous
Ad blocking is on the rise and it’s worrying a lot of marketing executives. After all, brands will never get the right targeted marketing message to the intended audience if the message
“It’s been clear for a while,” writes Bill Bishop (@BrickMeetsClick), Chief Architect at Brick Meets Click, “that a wide range of shoppers would like to do at least some of their grocery
While Hollywood has fostered the notion that artificial intelligence (AI) is out to destroy humankind, businesses have begun embracing AI to help them improve almost every facet of their operations. “There’s little
I’m guessing that students have been saying “I’ll never need to know that” ever since the first formal school was established. Frankly, it’s true. We want our children to learn things they
Most analysts agree businesses face an imperative to transform into a digital enterprise or lose ground to competitors that do. Industrial age organizations are simply not up to the challenges of the
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