The Future of Smart Cities
There is a lot of discussion about smart cities and how a city can earn the “smart city” label. Most of those discussions focus on technology and how it can be used
Bradd C. Hayes is the active editor of this blog.
There is a lot of discussion about smart cities and how a city can earn the “smart city” label. Most of those discussions focus on technology and how it can be used
“Over the past 5 years, supply chain risk management has moved onto the radar of the C-level,” write analysts from Legacy Supply Chain Services, “especially in industry segments like retail, cpg &
“Globalization’s opponents in the emerging markets and developing countries have been joined by tens of millions in the advanced countries,” writes Joseph E. Stiglitz (@JosephEStiglitz), a Nobel laureate and a professor at
When I and a few colleagues founded The Project for STEM Competitiveness, we had in mind both the competitiveness of the students and the competitiveness of the nation. We want to help
Pundits toss around a lot of names for times in which we live — the Computer Age, the Information Age, the Digital Age, etc. Whatever you want to call the era in
Have you ever heard of job theory (or the Theory of Jobs to Be Done)? In the coming years, it may become as familiar to you as the phrase “disruptive innovation.” Both
“Robotic process automation software is having a moment,” writes Linda Tucci (@LTucci), “despite there being a good deal of confusion about what the term refers to.”[1] Tucci offers this definition of robotic
“In today’s economy,” writes IBM CEO Ginni Rometty (@GinniRometty), “we are seeing companies, business models, products, and processes undergoing major transformation. Enterprises and governments are rapidly ‘becoming digital’ as they seek to
One of the bitterest U.S. presidential elections ever held is now over; but, the divisiveness it fomented will likely linger for a generation or more. That’s why this Veterans Day might be
“When once the forms of civility are violated,” Samuel Johnson once wrote, “there remains little hope of return to kindness or decency.” We can only hope he was incorrect in that assertion.
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