Marketing and Artificial Intelligence
As consumers increasingly take the digital path to purchase, reaching them with the right offer at the exact moment they are making purchasing decisions is critical. This new age truism brought artificial
In this blog, we discuss cognitive computing and other technologies with a focus on supply chain management and innovation. Other topics of discussion include digital enterprise transformation, marketing, the Internet of Things, and smart cities. Our goal is to advance the public discussion about how cognitive computing and other advanced technologies affect the world in which we live.
Bradd C. Hayes is the active editor of this blog.
As consumers increasingly take the digital path to purchase, reaching them with the right offer at the exact moment they are making purchasing decisions is critical. This new age truism brought artificial
In the musical “The King and I,” Anna sings, “Getting to know you. Getting to know all about you. Getting to like you. Getting to hope you like me.” Those lyrics could
What’s the purpose of marketing? You might think that question has an easy answer. It doesn’t. What started me thinking about this subject was an article by Tim Burke (@t1mburke), CEO of
We all have to eat to stay alive. For most people, however, eating is more than sustaining life — it’s an experience that makes life more enjoyable. Eating involves all of our
When talking about big data, the modifier “big” could just as easily apply to its effect on business as it does to the amount of data being collected. The digital age is
The Digital Age is disrupting almost every industry and marketing is no exception. Joel Syder, a marketing analyst at Academic Brits, notes, “Any successful brand needs a good digital marketing strategy. However,
Artificial intelligence (AI) is term that covers a lot of technologies such as cognitive computing, machine learning, deep learning, and, occasionally, robotic process automation (RPA). One modern aphorism states, “AI sells but
Santa Claus has become a worldwide sales phenomenon who hypes everything from cars to candies. His rise to “Best Salesman in History” status didn’t happen overnight. His story began over 1600 years
“Face it,” writes Carlton A. Doty (@carldoty), “Your brand is defined by the interactions that people have with it. While that’s not what we typically think of as marketing, it ought to
DC Velocity reports, “Less than one-fourth of retail CEOs participating in a recent study believe the rise of omnichannel shopping will affect their organizations.” [“Most retail supply chains are not ready for
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