Digital Transformation and the Digital Path to Purchase
We live in the digital age; mobile technologies have penetrated deep into most societies; and, the digital path to purchase is on the rise. There is nothing surprising nor profound about those
Bradd C. Hayes is the active editor of this blog.
We live in the digital age; mobile technologies have penetrated deep into most societies; and, the digital path to purchase is on the rise. There is nothing surprising nor profound about those
The topic of agriculture generally brings to mind scenes of waving grain, orchards of fruit trees, and/or animals grazing peacefully in fields. Children never sing, “Old MacDonald had a farm, E-I-E-I-O, and
“Even seasoned carnival barkers might struggle to exaggerate the current feats of cognitive technologies,” writes Sam Ransbotham (@Ransbotham), an associate professor of information systems at the Carroll School of Management at Boston
If Tom Vander Ark (@tvanderark), CEO of Getting Smart, is correct, we need to start preparing our children for a future in which a significant portion of the workforce freelances, moving from
According to research conducted by Vanson Bourne for SoftServe, “62% of medium to large organizations expect to implement machine learning for Business Analytics purposes within the next two years.”[1] A press release
“[Artificial Intelligence] is hot,” writes Om Malik (@om), founder of GigaOm, “and every company worth its stock price is talking about how this magical potion will change everything.”[1] Despite being hot, Malik
A couple of years ago, Monica Watrous (@MonicaWatrous) reported that the Specialty Food Association and Mintel International concluded millennials are driving the specialty food segment. According to their study, “Millennials … spend
“There’s a saying,” writes Warrick Beaver (@WarrickBeaver), Managing Director of Customer & Third Party Risk at Thomas Reuters, “that you can outsource almost anything, except responsibility.”[1] Beaver explains companies need to be
“A new study shows supply chain executives demonstrate higher levels of psychopathic tendencies than any other role in the business world,” reports Mackenzie Bean (@mackenzie_bhr). “Researchers from Bond University in Australia and
Many analysts have predicted that for companies to survive in the digital age they must transform into digital enterprises. What are the benefits of such a transformation? “By harnessing the power of
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