Google Delays Cookiepocalypse, but Cookieless Future is Coming
Back in 2020, Google announced it was going to eliminate third-party cookies from its Chrome search engine by the end of this year. The decision made a lot of people unhappy. Google
In this blog, we discuss cognitive computing and other technologies with a focus on supply chain management and innovation. Other topics of discussion include digital enterprise transformation, marketing, the Internet of Things, and smart cities. Our goal is to advance the public discussion about how cognitive computing and other advanced technologies affect the world in which we live.
Bradd C. Hayes is the active editor of this blog.
Back in 2020, Google announced it was going to eliminate third-party cookies from its Chrome search engine by the end of this year. The decision made a lot of people unhappy. Google
Consumers are becoming more skeptical about efforts to track their virtual activities. As a result, governments continue to pass laws and regulations dealing with how organizations can gather, store, and use personal
Just over a year ago, Google announced it planned on stopping the use of third-party cookies in Chrome before 2022 — a move similar to what Apple did with its Safari browser
Sesame Street’s Cookie Monster once stated, “Sometimes me think, what is friend? And then me say: a friend is someone to share last cookie with.” Websites are getting close to sharing their
In many ways, consumers have been captive audiences during the coronavirus lockdowns. As PwC analysts Derek Baker and Matt Egol (@mattegol) observe, “COVID-19 has forced us to reinvent how we mark special
A simmering cold war between Facebook and Apple has recently heated up. Back in 2019, journalist David Ingram (@David_Ingram) noted, “Apple CEO Tim Cook has rarely missed an opportunity in the past
One of the most oft-heard phrases during the pandemic has been: “We’re all in this together.” The reality is, even when suffering through a shared experience, we’re not all alike. Each of
There’s a common belief that younger generations, especially teenagers, believe they are invincible. I’m not sure it’s invincibility they feel; more likely it’s possibility. Before them lies the future and all the
The business world has changed dramatically over the past few decades. Terms like big data, omnichannel operations, digital marketing, targeted marketing, personas, and others are scattered all over the business landscape. Business
Historically, marketing efforts have taken advantage of segmentation. Purveyors of merchandise have intuitively understood trying to peddle wares to demographic segments of the population likely to be uninterested in their products is
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