Is the Future of Agriculture Indoors and Afloat?
Few things in life are certain. We do know, however, that people have to eat. We also know that figuring out how to feed the world’s burgeoning population is a growing challenge.
In this blog, we discuss cognitive computing and other technologies with a focus on supply chain management and innovation. Other topics of discussion include digital enterprise transformation, marketing, the Internet of Things, and smart cities. Our goal is to advance the public discussion about how cognitive computing and other advanced technologies affect the world in which we live.
Bradd C. Hayes is the active editor of this blog.
Few things in life are certain. We do know, however, that people have to eat. We also know that figuring out how to feed the world’s burgeoning population is a growing challenge.
In Part 1 of this article, I laid out the stark choices that lie before us — stay on a course that leads to greater automation and increased unemployment or find a
Arguing that some jobs now being performed by humans aren’t going to be lost to technology (be it hardware (e.g., robots) or software (i.e., artificial intelligence)) would be foolish. One of the
“Although good CFOs never take their eyes off spending,” writes Jeffrey A. Burchill, FM Global’s CFO, “you need to be very careful about trying to wring too much cost out of your
“Risk isn’t a new topic in the supply chain,” writes Hailey Lynne McKeefry (@HaileyMcK), Editor in Chief of EBN, “but it’s one that is moving up the priority list for many electronics
“Supply chains are a highly-complex, yet very necessary, ingredient to nearly any successful business venture,” asserts Keith Peterson, Ph.D. (@Halo_BI), President and Chief Executive Officer at Halo Business Intelligence, Inc. “An efficient
“With disruptive forces of change so pervasive around the world,” writes Jeff Dobbs, Global Sector Chair for Industrial Manufacturing at KPMG, “it would be easy to believe that the manufacturing sector is
“To-date,” writes Adeel Najmi (@AdeelNajmi), Chief Science Officer and Senior Fellow at JDA Software, “the entire supply chain has been orchestrated to service ‘demand’ while keeping inventory and logistics costs down.”[1] You
“Carpe diem … seize the day,” writes Roger Schenck, Manager of Content Promotions at Chemical Abstracts Service (CAS). “This Latin phrase, coined by the Roman poet Horace in 23 BC, is used
In his two decades of consulting on supply chain management matters, Steve Banker (@steve_scm), Service Director for SCM at ARC Advisory Group, claims to have a seen a number of “revolutions” advance
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