The Collapse of the Doha Round
Today’s papers are carrying stories about what appears to be the final collapse of the so-called Doha Round of trade negotiations [“Trade Talks Crumble in Feud Over Farm Aid,” by Anthony Faiola
In this blog, we discuss cognitive computing and other technologies with a focus on supply chain management and innovation. Other topics of discussion include digital enterprise transformation, marketing, the Internet of Things, and smart cities. Our goal is to advance the public discussion about how cognitive computing and other advanced technologies affect the world in which we live.
Bradd C. Hayes is the active editor of this blog.
Today’s papers are carrying stories about what appears to be the final collapse of the so-called Doha Round of trade negotiations [“Trade Talks Crumble in Feud Over Farm Aid,” by Anthony Faiola
Science involves the search for understanding and truth. It’s about generating hypotheses and then testing them to either prove or disprove them. Although we are used to seeing competing theories debated, we
With grain prices rising as steeply as oil prices, farmers around the world are hoping to cash in while commodities are selling high. One of the world’s breadbasket countries, Brazil, is also
The current global food crisis — created by the confluence of climate change, high oil prices, and more people able to afford more food — has both corporations and academia scrambling to
Food security continues to make headlines around the globe. In the past several weeks, I have written several posts on the subject of food and a growing crisis over rising prices. The
Anthony Faiola, writing for the Washington Post, discusses why globalization hasn’t fulfilled the hope that it would end world food shortages and the devastation such shortages bring [“Where Every Meal Is a
The news has been filled lately with reports of food shortages and rising prices. There have been reports of food hording, even in the United States. In response, places like Costco and
The nasty word “inflation” is starting to be heard in more press reports than it has in a long, long time. Oil was the original culprit that nudged inflation onto to the
Back in June 2006, I wrote a post that discussed, in part, the fact that work had begun on a huge vault on the Norwegian island of Svalbard to house seeds from
Finding easy and inexpensive ways to provide prophylactic medications to people (especially children) in developing countries remains a goal for those involved with global health issues. Preventing diseases is much cheaper than
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