Last of the 2012 Predictions Concerning the Supply Chain, Part 2
In Part 1 of this two-part post, I discussed the predictions made by five individuals who were asked to comment by the editorial staff at Supply Chain Digest: Gene Tyndall, Dr. David
Bradd C. Hayes is the active editor of this blog.
In Part 1 of this two-part post, I discussed the predictions made by five individuals who were asked to comment by the editorial staff at Supply Chain Digest: Gene Tyndall, Dr. David
In three previous posts [Supply Chain 2012: What Lies Ahead? and More Supply Chain Predictions for 2012, Part 1 and Part 2], I presented predictions about the supply chain from a number
Supply chain risk management is a very complex subject. It has been (and will continue to be) the subject of numerous studies and books. The focus of these studies has ranged from
Last May, AP Møller-Maersk, operator of the world’s biggest container ship fleet, “warned rates would remain ‘under pressure’ in the short term.” Nevertheless, Maersk was hopeful about the rest of the year,
“Analytics and business intelligence will be the top technology priorities for CIOs this year,” writes Patrick Thibodeau. His conclusion was drawn from “Gartner Inc.’s annual survey of IT executives.” [“The top 10
For years, eulogies have been written for U.S. manufacturing. Lately, however, including in the President’s State-of-the-Union address, there has been more talk about how important manufacturing is for the U.S. economy. All
“Pardon me for sounding like a Marxist – which I decidedly am not,” writes Robert J. Bowman, managing editor of SupplyChainBrain, “but doesn’t it seem as though a thriving middle class in
Yesterday’s post entitled Trucker Shortage Continues to Garner Headlines, focused on what most analysts consider an acute problem — a growing shortage of truck drivers. But the driver shortage is only half
Mark Yonge, vice chairman of the Marine Highways Cooperative, told the editorial staff at SupplyChainBrain that “the continuing driver shortage in trucking and ever more congested roadways argue in favor of using
Bob Trebilcock, Executive Editor of Modern Materials Handling, notes that there is a “continued need for greater visibility into the supply chain.” [“Bringing sensors and RFID together,” 28 June 2011] Greater visibility,
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