Enterra Insights

In this blog, we discuss cognitive computing and other cutting-edge technologies with a focus on supply chain management, autonomous decision-making, and innovation. Other topics of discussion include digital enterprise transformation, autonomous intelligent enterprises, emerging technologies, and global trade. Our goal is to advance the public discussion about how cognitive computing and other advanced technologies affect the world in which we live.

Bradd C. Hayes is the active editor of this blog.


STEM Education Needs More Diversity

“Today,” reports Deep Nishar, “technical fields of study — and the workplaces they feed into — are attracting and retaining more white males than other candidates in the U.S. Looking back to

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Consumer Packaged Goods Innovation

Last year Kellogg’s was number 54 on Forbes‘ list of innovative companies. Dennis K. Berman wasn’t impressed. “It measures nearly 3 inches by 5 inches, and it’s made from enriched flour, corn syrup

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Memorial Day 2014

As you know, Memorial Day’s roots were planted after America’s Civil War. Nearly every community in America suffered the loss of young men during that conflict. In some communities, citizens began decorating

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Bitcoins and Commerce

If you’ve paid much attention to financial news over the past few months, you can’t help but have heard about Bitcoins. You might also have asked yourself, “What the heck is a

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Robots: Rise of the Machines

MIchael Dobie reports, “Robotic help-wanted ads were up 13 percent in 2013.” [“The rise of the machines — it’s happening,” Newsday, 18 April 2014] You might be wondering, along with Dobie, “Who

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