Supply Chain Risk Management: Dealing with Length & Depth
“Risk isn’t a new topic in the supply chain,” writes Hailey Lynne McKeefry (@HaileyMcK), Editor in Chief of EBN, “but it’s one that is moving up the priority list for many electronics
Bradd C. Hayes is the active editor of this blog.
“Risk isn’t a new topic in the supply chain,” writes Hailey Lynne McKeefry (@HaileyMcK), Editor in Chief of EBN, “but it’s one that is moving up the priority list for many electronics
“Supply chains are a highly-complex, yet very necessary, ingredient to nearly any successful business venture,” asserts Keith Peterson, Ph.D. (@Halo_BI), President and Chief Executive Officer at Halo Business Intelligence, Inc. “An efficient
“With disruptive forces of change so pervasive around the world,” writes Jeff Dobbs, Global Sector Chair for Industrial Manufacturing at KPMG, “it would be easy to believe that the manufacturing sector is
“Ten years ago, there was little innovation in education,” Tom Vander Ark (@tvanderark), an advocate for innovations in learning, laments. “Every other sector was transforming itself with technology, but education largely looked
Anyone familiar with my company, Enterra Solutions®, knows it played a major role in the development of the original FlavorPrint®. First developed for McCormick & Co., FlavorPrint was spun off as the
“Companies today are rushing headlong to become more digital,” write Karel Dörner and David Edelman (@davidedelman). “But what does digital really mean?”[1] Most analysts agree that businesses need to transform into digital
“The technological shifts over the next 10 years and beyond will reverberate through all aspects of business, government and society overall,” writes Christian Lanng (@christianlanng), Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Tradeshift.com.[1]
“A confluence of forces has propelled artificial intelligence into the business mainstream,” assert Deloitte analysts Paul Sallomi (@PaulSallomi), Bob Dalton, and David Schatsky (@dschatsky).[1] In addition to improvements in artificial intelligence (AI)
“Imagine a simple triangle diagram of the planet’s population,” writes John S. Rosenberg. “A fortunate couple of billion upper-income people — in the United States and Canada, much of Europe, Japan, Australia,
“Producing enough food, fiber and fuel for more than 9 billion people by 2050, while conserving natural resources is a challenge that has become increasingly complex,” writes Rod Snyder (@RodSnyderWV), President of
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