The Internet of Things will Help Transform the Supply Chain
There is a lot of talk about the Internet of Things (IoT); but, most analysts agree that the IoT is in its infancy. Amber Markim, an Operations & Marketing Assistant at Flash
Bradd C. Hayes is the active editor of this blog.
There is a lot of talk about the Internet of Things (IoT); but, most analysts agree that the IoT is in its infancy. Amber Markim, an Operations & Marketing Assistant at Flash
Nearly a year ago I laid out my vision of what supply chains might look like in the future.[1] With the Supply Chain Insights Global Summit nearly upon us, a conference Enterra
“Shopping is going digital,” assert analysts from UPS, “and digital is moving to smartphones.”[1] For years, the digital path to purchase has moved increasingly from personal computers to mobile technologies. In the
Nearly half (48.5%) of executives surveyed by Narrative Science indicate that “automated communications that give business audiences data they can use to make effective business decisions” is one of the primary reasons
The Internet of Things (IoT) is going to generate a massive amount of data. How much? “Annual global IP traffic will pass the zettabyte (1000 exabytes) threshold by the end of 2016,”
Agriculture is one humanity’s oldest professions. Many scholars trace the birth of agriculture to the Neolithic (or new Stone Age) period around 10,000 years ago. During that period, humanity began its transition
It has been nearly two decades since Clayton Christensen’s (@claychristensen) book, The Innovator’s Dilemma, was published. Yet Wall Street Journal columnist Christopher Mims (@mims) notes, “Whatever its explanatory power, the one thing
“There is general unease about the state of the global economy with its increase in operational risk,” writes the staff at Material Handling & Logistics (MH&L).[1] That’s why Adam Robinson (@TweetsByARob), Director
“In a positive sign for efforts to boost U.S. competitiveness in science and technology,” a University of Texas at Austin press release reports, “a new study finds that courses that engage college
The business world is awash with buzzwords, new technologies, and inflated promises. There’s so much of it that Drew Breunig (@dbreunig), Vice President of Strategy at PlaceIQ, reminds us that when we
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