Will Superjobs Require Super Humans?
Among the many threads of discussion relating to the future of human work, perhaps the most interesting speculation involves the kinds of jobs that don’t exist today but will be created in
In this blog, we discuss cognitive computing and other technologies with a focus on supply chain management and innovation. Other topics of discussion include digital enterprise transformation, marketing, the Internet of Things, and smart cities. Our goal is to advance the public discussion about how cognitive computing and other advanced technologies affect the world in which we live.
Bradd C. Hayes is the active editor of this blog.
Among the many threads of discussion relating to the future of human work, perhaps the most interesting speculation involves the kinds of jobs that don’t exist today but will be created in
The world suddenly seems a bit gloomier place with many countries turning inward and taking a narrow, national view of events. If you don’t find politics depressing, MIT’s Simon Johnson (@baselinescene), a
“Are you prepared to meet your robot overlords,” asks Tia Ghose. “The idea of superintelligent machines may sound like the plot of ‘The Terminator’ or ‘The Matrix,’ but many experts say the
Mindy S. Lubber, president of Ceres and director of Ceres’ Investor Network on Climate Risk (INCR), writes, “A supply chain is only as strong as its weakest link.” [“U.S. Companies Must Raise
In yesterday’s post, I discussed some of the initial recommendations offered by the President’s Jobs and Competitiveness Council as well as some of the programs that the President put forward in his
In June, two members of the President’s Jobs and Competitiveness Council, Jeffrey Immelt, the Council’s Chairman as well as the chairman and CEO of General Electric, and Kenneth Chenault, the CEO of
Stephen Grellet, a famous Quaker missionary, wrote, “I expect to pass through this world but once; any good thing therefore that I can do, or any kindness that I can show to
Entrepreneurs face a lifetime of career decisions. In the beginning, they must decide whether to wander out far and in deep into entrepreneurial waters and solely dedicate their time and efforts to
This week, the U.S. Government announced that the private sector had shed another 39,000 jobs in September [“US private sector sheds 39,000 jobs,” by Alan Rappeport, Financial Times, 6 October 2010]. That
Back in January of this year some analysts still held out hope that the job market would dramatically improve as the year progressed [“Why a job-rich American recovery is still plausible,” by
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