Category: Globalization

In this blog, we discuss cognitive computing and other technologies with a focus on supply chain management and innovation. Other topics of discussion include digital enterprise transformation, marketing, the Internet of Things, and smart cities. Our goal is to advance the public discussion about how cognitive computing and other advanced technologies affect the world in which we live.

Bradd C. Hayes is the active editor of this blog.


Tariffs, Trade, and Times Ahead

During this U.S. presidential election year, you are likely to hear and read a lot about tariffs. The Economist notes, “Although it is unfashionable to say so these days, one of the

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Rise of the Middle Powers

Being called “middling” has traditionally been more of an insult than a matter of fact. It means something is not terrible but it also isn’t great — it’s mediocre. That’s sort of

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From Globalization to Glocalization

Many experts believe the era of “hyper-globalization” is coming to an end — writing has been on the wall for years. What’s replacing hyper-globalization? Some call the new era “localization” or “glocalization.”

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Supply Chains and the Chinese Economy

By any measure, China’s rise as an economic power has been impressive — some people have even called it miraculous. Wikipedia notes, “The Chinese economic reform or Chinese economic miracle, also known

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Globalization’s Ongoing Realignment

There continues to be myriad articles published about globalization. Article topics range from globalization’s demise to globalization’s shifting flows to glocalization. Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and China’s increasingly authoritarian policies have only

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