Category: Entrepreneurship

In this blog, we discuss cognitive computing and other technologies with a focus on supply chain management and innovation. Other topics of discussion include digital enterprise transformation, marketing, the Internet of Things, and smart cities. Our goal is to advance the public discussion about how cognitive computing and other advanced technologies affect the world in which we live.

Bradd C. Hayes is the active editor of this blog.


Of Bosses and Business

The current economic recession focused the harsh light of the media on chief executive officers of businesses that either helped create the conditions that caused the downturn or weren’t strong enough to

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Entrepreneurs in India

India is an intriguing land rich in history and culture. It is also a land that is home to deep-rooted poverty and cutting-edge IT corporations. India is also home to some of

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Global Social Entrepreneurs

This is the fifth and final post on The Economist‘s special report on entrepreneurship (the first four posts were entitled Entrepreneurs as Heroes, The Rise of Entrepreneurialism, More on Global Entrepreneurialism and

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Looking for Entrepreneurial Magic

This is the fourth of five posts on The Economist‘s special report on entrepreneurship (the first three posts were entitled Entrepreneurs as Heroes, The Rise of Entrepreneurialism, and More on Global Entrepreneurialism).

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More on Global Entrepreneurialism

This is my third post about global entrepreneurialism based on a special report published in The Economist (the first two posts were entitled Entrepreneurs as Heroes and The Rise of Entrepreneurialism). Long

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The Rise of Entrepreneurialism

In a previous post [Entrepreneurs as Heroes], I indicated that I would discuss other articles from The Economist‘s special report about entrepreneurship. This is the second of five such posts. Because the

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Entrepreneurs as Heroes

In a recent special report, The Economist calls entrepreneurs “global heroes.” Long-time readers of this blog know that I have consistently touted the importance of entrepreneurs if one wants to strengthen the

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Entrepreneurs and Economic Recovery

In almost every post that I’ve written that has touched on the current financial crisis, I have stressed the importance of creating jobs and the important role that entrepreneurs can play. My

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