Artificial Intelligence and Your Business
If you think the hype about artificial intelligence (AI) has peaked, you’re probably going to be disappointed. In the coming years, new advances will be achieved, new claims will be made, new
In this blog, we discuss cognitive computing and other technologies with a focus on supply chain management and innovation. Other topics of discussion include digital enterprise transformation, marketing, the Internet of Things, and smart cities. Our goal is to advance the public discussion about how cognitive computing and other advanced technologies affect the world in which we live.
Bradd C. Hayes is the active editor of this blog.
If you think the hype about artificial intelligence (AI) has peaked, you’re probably going to be disappointed. In the coming years, new advances will be achieved, new claims will be made, new
Recognizing the emergence and importance of cognitive computing, Kevin Kelly (@kevin2kelly), founding Executive Editor of Wired magazine, tweeted, “In the very near future you will cognify everything in your life that is already electrified.”
Depending on your point of view, artificial intelligence (AI) can either be the boogeyman or the potential savior of humankind. Those views, like most extreme viewpoints, raise arguments worth considering but seldom
You are invited to join Enterra Solutions® for in-depth conversations on the rise of the Intelligent Enterprise with a focus on Supply Chain Optimization. Cognitive Computing, defined by Enterra® as Artificial
With the emergence of the Digital Age, nearly every business executive has felt the ground shift beneath his or her feet. Because the business landscape continues to change, steadying one’s self is
One of the most intriguing developments of the past several decades is the increasingly ubiquitous presence of algorithms in our lives. Algorithms are what help make sense of the growing oceans of
Precision in language can be extremely important. Thomas Hornigold (@physicspod), a physics student at the University of Oxford, believes it’s time we use more precise language when discussing artificial intelligence (AI). “There
The term Artificial Intelligence (AI) evokes different, and sometimes strong, emotions in people. While some individuals are excited about AI’s potential, others are terrified AI could spell the end of the human
Irony is defined as “a state of affairs that seems deliberately contrary to what one expects.” Some pundits find it ironic that even as companies are searching desperately for people to fill
Artificial Intelligence (AI), cognitive computing, and machine learning are receiving a lot of press coverage and have been subject to a lot of hype. Although there are differences between the terms, they
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