Labor Day in America 2009
With unemployment rates pushing double digits in some American states, this Labor Day is not as happy as it could be. The day was set aside to honor those who labor to
Bradd C. Hayes is the active editor of this blog.
With unemployment rates pushing double digits in some American states, this Labor Day is not as happy as it could be. The day was set aside to honor those who labor to
President Obama has made a point of trying to improve relations with the Muslim world. Admiral Michael Mullen, USN, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, agrees that those relations need to
In a recent post entitled New Approach to Food Security Applauded, I discussed how leaders from the G8 countries are supporting a new approach to agriculture aimed at strengthening local food production
In an earlier post entitled Plans vs. Planning, I quoted the late President and 5-star General, Dwight D. Eisenhower, who remarked: “In preparing for battle, I have always found that plans are
In a post I entitled The Amazing Mind, I referenced an op-ed piece by David Brooks that lauded the value of good old-fashioned traits like hard work and tenacity [“Genius: The Modern
Nowadays an oft-heard complaint is that we are being bombarded with so much data that we are being overloaded. Humankind has always struggled with how to make sense of the world around
In post entitled Food Crisis and Recession, I discussed the fact that at the last G8 summit leaders of developed countries announced a new approach to global food security by pledging to
Recently Japan, France, and Germany reported that their economies had once again started to grow. The growth rates weren’t high, but the fact that their economies were no longer shrinking indicated that
In a post written shortly before the Obama administration came to office [Transforming U.S. Foreign Policy], I observed that sweeping changes in the way the U.S conducts its foreign policy seemed to
I first started blogging about microfinance in November 2006 in a post about programs that work in fighting poverty [Programs that Fight Poverty]. In a subsequent post entitled Financing the Poor, I
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