Enterra Insights

In this blog, we discuss cognitive computing and other cutting-edge technologies with a focus on supply chain management, autonomous decision-making, and innovation. Other topics of discussion include digital enterprise transformation, autonomous intelligent enterprises, emerging technologies, and global trade. Our goal is to advance the public discussion about how cognitive computing and other advanced technologies affect the world in which we live.

Bradd C. Hayes is the active editor of this blog.


Development at Home

Normally when I write about development I discuss development in impoverished countries. The so-called Great Recession, however, has shed light on challenges faced by developed countries as well. Finding solutions to those

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Immigration and Progress

Although the debate over health care reform has grabbed most of the political headlines in the United States over the past few months, immigration reform has also managed to get some press.

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Making the World Safe for Women

One of the oldest objects of worship known to man is small figurine carved out of oolitic limestone that has been labeled the Venus of Willendorf. Displayed at the Natural History Museum

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The Power of Culture

The Victorian Scottish historian and essayist, Thomas Carlyle, once wrote: “Culture is the process by which a person becomes all that they were created capable of being.” In past posts, I’ve noted

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Traceable Supply Chains and Food Safety

Illnesses and deaths associated with tainted food are a constant concern for consumers, retailers, and suppliers. In addition to physical consequences, economic consequences of food recalls can be enormous. According to a

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Sharing Sensitive Information

Despite efforts to improve information sharing among intelligence organizations, headlines continue to trumpet the fact that gaps still exist [“Tribal warfare,” by Daniel Dombey, Financial Times, 11 March 2010]. Dombey notes that

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Tomorrow’s Toilets

At the close of yesterday’s post about washing machines and water, I indicated that I would next discuss how new designs for toilets are also trying to cut down on water use.

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The Washing Machine and Water

On the American television reality series Survivor, the host, Jeff Probst, reminds participants that in the game “fire represents life.” To prove his point, he dramatically extinguishes the torch of the contestant

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Entrepreneurs and Venture Capitalists

Entrepreneurs looking for capital and ventures capitalists looking for good ideas are natural partners; but not necessarily loving ones. Although entrepreneurs and venture capitalists would appear to be (as they say) a

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