Enterra Insights

In this blog, we discuss cognitive computing and other cutting-edge technologies with a focus on supply chain management, autonomous decision-making, and innovation. Other topics of discussion include digital enterprise transformation, autonomous intelligent enterprises, emerging technologies, and global trade. Our goal is to advance the public discussion about how cognitive computing and other advanced technologies affect the world in which we live.

Bradd C. Hayes is the active editor of this blog.


Still Searching for Global Leadership

Four years ago I posted a blog entitled The Need for Global Leadership. In that post, I wrote: “Genuine global leadership will only be achieved when enlightened world leaders create and promulgate

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Syria Old and New

Portions of the modern state of Syria rest in what has been labeled the cradle of civilization. New excavations there are uncovering some of the earliest clues about the people who established

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Supermarket Wars

In a post entitled Walmart and the Food Supply Chain, I discussed how Walmart had triggered a price war between supermarket chains as competitors try to keep customers walking through their doors.

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Effective Philanthropy

Aristotle once wrote, “Poverty is the parent of revolution and crime.” That sentiment has echoed through history’s halls — yet poverty remains widespread. It’s not that people haven’t tried to do anything

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Resilient Supply Chains

In a recent blog post, Lora Cecere noted that too many companies have been pursuing supply chain efficiency instead of supply chain resilience [“We should have Listened to Mother Nature,” 26 March

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