First to Market vs. Late to the Game
Nathan Bedford Forrest, a Confederate general during the American Civil War, was once asked what he thought was the key to military success. His colorful but succinct answer was: “To get thar
Bradd C. Hayes is the active editor of this blog.
Nathan Bedford Forrest, a Confederate general during the American Civil War, was once asked what he thought was the key to military success. His colorful but succinct answer was: “To get thar
In a post entitled Trends in Supply Chain Software, I presented thoughts on the future of supply chain software drawn from two analysts, Mary Shacklett, founder and president of Transworld Data, and
In yesterday’s post, I noted that more and more companies are reaching the conclusion that sustainability equals profitability. Although they gain the public relations benefits associated with being a responsible corporate citizen,
Environmentalism remains an emotional issue. Skeptics consider environmentalists “tree huggers” who have no appreciation for life in the real world. On the other hand, many environmentalists consider corporate efforts to “go green”
From time to time, I run across articles pertaining to subjects about which I have previously written. I had been saving the articles for future use and the time seems right to
In a post entitled Defining the Supply Chain, I discussed how difficult it is to pin down exactly what the term “supply chain” means. That post was inspired by a question posed
In two recent columns, Martin Wolf, chief economics commentator for the Financial Times, has discussed the rise of emerging market countries (specifically, China and India) and has tried to put today’s economic
There are a number of descriptive modifiers being tossed about regarding supply chains — among them are: demand driven; efficient; intelligent; resilient; responsive; trusted; and agile. In this post, I would like
Every entrepreneur hopes that his business will grow and succeed. When growth does occur, a “start-up company” eventually outgrows that label to become a medium- or larger-sized business. Scaling a business successfully,
Because of the impact Wal-Mart has in the marketplace, reporters and analysts watch its activities closely. Over the past few months, the company has been making headlines for its expansion plans. Wal-Mart’s
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