Enterra Insights

In this blog, we discuss cognitive computing and other cutting-edge technologies with a focus on supply chain management, autonomous decision-making, and innovation. Other topics of discussion include digital enterprise transformation, autonomous intelligent enterprises, emerging technologies, and global trade. Our goal is to advance the public discussion about how cognitive computing and other advanced technologies affect the world in which we live.

Bradd C. Hayes is the active editor of this blog.


Tableware and Taste

Our sense of taste is an interesting topic. In other posts on the subject, I’ve noted that other senses (especially smell and sight) play a role in how we judge the taste

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Cognitive Computing

There seems to be some confusion about exactly what the term “cognitive computing” means. S.E. Smith writes, “Cognitive computing refers to the development of computer systems modeled after the human brain. Originally

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Smart Cities and Traffic

One simply can’t discuss smart city initiatives without including the topic of traffic — that is, how things move within the confines of an urban environment. Perhaps the most talked about challenge

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The Digital Path to Purchase, Part 2

In Part 1 of this 2-part series on the digital path to purchase (DP2P), I explored why some analysts believe that digital technologies have forever altered the business landscape. Kevin Glacken believes,

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