Machine Learning: A Primer for the Technically Challenged, Part 3
This article is a continuation of a discussion on machine learning that I began in two other articles with the same title (Part 1 and Part 2). “As data is transformed into
Bradd C. Hayes is the active editor of this blog.
This article is a continuation of a discussion on machine learning that I began in two other articles with the same title (Part 1 and Part 2). “As data is transformed into
The growth of additive manufacturing (i.e., producing products using 3D printers) has been stunning. Not long ago, 3D printers were a novelty that printed small plastic figurines. Today, 3D printers are producing
AMC’s television series “Mad Men” ended on a delightful up note. The fictional lead character of the series, advertising executive Don Draper, was a master of ad copy and the sales pitch.
Almost every country in the world celebrates a national holiday that recognizes its independence, founding, or heritage. In the United States, that day is Independence Day (aka the Fourth of July). Noted
“With the Middle East and north Africa now engulfed in multiple wars,” writes Borzou Daragahi (@borzou), “businesses and investors are having to readapt, retool and reassess, providing a business school case study
The rapid spread of mobile technologies (especially the smartphone) has mostly obliterated the traditional path to purchase for both business-to-business (B2B) and business-to-consumer (B2C) transactions. Like it or not, the digital path
“Technology is intertwined in nearly every aspect of business today,” writes Pierre Nanterme (@PierreNanterme) and Marty Cole, respectively Accenture’s Chairman/CEO and Group Chief Executive for technology, “with information technology fast becoming a
Whenever a talented employee leaves a job or assumes a new role, a company risks losing valuable knowledge that he or she has gained while mastering their job. This knowledge often involves
“The third age of machines is near,” writes Bruno Teboul (@Brunoteboul), governance member at the Ecole Polytechnique. “Quantum and cognitive computers will perform Big Data processing in the cloud. This age follows
The landscape in which today’s transnational businesses must operate is complex. Challenges can be confronted at every level — national, regional, local, and internal. There are no “from the box” solutions that
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