Trends 2016: Gartner Technology Trends
We live in an age of technological wonders; however, some people fail to appreciate all of the wonders because they are too young to have known life in simpler times. We’ve all
Bradd C. Hayes is the active editor of this blog.
We live in an age of technological wonders; however, some people fail to appreciate all of the wonders because they are too young to have known life in simpler times. We’ve all
The last thing your child may think he or she wants for Christmas is an educational toy. In many cases, they won’t know that a toy is educational if you don’t tell
“While discussions surrounding AI’s eventual overthrow of humanity can be fun and interesting,” writes TX Zhou, Managing Partner at Karlin Ventures, “they often overlook the little revolutions happening right now.”[1] The little
The 2016 prediction season has kicked off with International Data Corporation boldly releasing predictions and discussions in the following areas: Leadership IDC FutureScape: Leading Digital Transformation to Scale 2016 Predictions IDC
“Having a supply chain and having an optimized supply chain are not the same thing,” asserts supply chain and logistics expert Gary Marion (@SpplyChainROSCO).[1] No one, of course, desires to have an
Terms like “100-year” or “1000-year” events no longer seem applicable or appropriate in the face of rapidly changing climate conditions. The U.S. Geological Survey notes, “The term ‘100-year flood’ is used in
Preparations for this holiday season started right after this year’s New Year’s celebrations ended. One big question on many retailers’ minds is what are Millennials going to do this holiday season? Spend
A majority of Thanksgiving tables this year are likely to find turkey being served as the main protein; but, the price you paid for your prize bird might have been higher than
“Big data and how best to utilise it has become a perennial subject,” asserts David Senior, CEO of Lowdownapp Ltd, “and the endless debates around it rarely come to a satisfactory conclusion.”[1]
“Innovation is difficult,” writes David Berry (@DavidBerry26), an inventor, entrepreneur, and partner at Flagship Ventures. “If one is willing to traverse the boundary of the unknown, one should pursue the course that
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