Slavery and Supply Chain Transparency
“There’s no doubt that what you can’t see can hurt you,” writes Nick Ismail (@ishers123). “But in today’s connected, digital economy, visibility and transparency have never been easier to obtain — even
Bradd C. Hayes is the active editor of this blog.
“There’s no doubt that what you can’t see can hurt you,” writes Nick Ismail (@ishers123). “But in today’s connected, digital economy, visibility and transparency have never been easier to obtain — even
“Pick a number, any number,” writes Anna Pukas. “Chances are it will be seven. Whatever your creed or culture the number seven is special. … There’s a reason why Yul Brynner, Charles
Turmoil is defined as “a state of great disturbance, confusion, or uncertainty.” I think it’s fair to say there is turmoil in the retail sector. Brick-and-mortar stores are closing at record rates.
This past Christmas marked the 375th birthday of Sir Isaac Newton. As most people are aware, Newton “was an English mathematician, astronomer, theologian, author and physicist who is widely recognized as one
Unless you are building a smart city from the ground up, the time and money needed to make a city “smart” can be underestimated. Lack of progress may account for the fact
When Amazon acquired Whole Foods, any lingering doubts the grocery sector was changing were laid to rest. As I noted in an earlier post, the food sector is now learning what companies
Anger and fear have changed the political landscape in America and those emotions have, in part, been stirred by job losses associated with automation and globalization. The rapid emergence of artificial intelligence
Members of Generation Z (children born between roughly 1996 and 2010 and sometimes referred to as “centennials”) are the new darlings of marketers. According to some analysts, they control $44 billion in
Amid all the talk of a retail apocalypse, some retailers demonstrated they still have life. Khadeeja Safdar (@khadeeja_safdar) and Imani Moise (@MoiseNoise) report, “Retailers had their best holiday sales since 2011, according
Blockchain is one of the newest buzzwords making a splash in the tech world. Most famously, blockchain is associated with so-called crypto-currencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum. It turns out, however blockchain technology
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