Consumer Paths to Purchase are Increasingly Complex
Analysts often write about the consumer digital path to purchase as if it were a single and straight forward course. Nothing could be further from the truth. In fact, consumer paths to
Bradd C. Hayes is the active editor of this blog.
Analysts often write about the consumer digital path to purchase as if it were a single and straight forward course. Nothing could be further from the truth. In fact, consumer paths to
The Digital Age is characterized by the enormous amount of data being generated in very short timeframes. In order to keep up with the pace of change, most pundits insist businesses need
The late Logan Pearsall Smith, an American-born British essayist and critic, once wrote, “The test of a vocation is the love of the drudgery it involves.” I daresay more people agree with
For decades, innovation gurus have suggested companies dump their “not invented here” mentality that rejects the embrace of ideas generated outside of company circles. One CEO, Terry Brewer, founder Brewer Science, doesn’t
In recent months, the term “cognitive computing” has been used nearly as often in news stories as “artificial intelligence.” One reason cognitive computing has gained cachet is because it doesn’t stir the
As I noted in a previous article, demographic “generations” — like baby boomers and millennials — are an artifice created by marketers and the media as a way to reach out to
Since the 2016 presidential election, numerous studies and articles about fake news stories have been published. Fake news is not a new phenomenon. Eugene Kiely (@ekiely) and Lori Robertson from FactCheck.org write,
To remain relevant, advises an old idiom, one must keep in step with the times. Generally speaking, that’s pretty good advice. Companies failing to adapt over time have filled history’s dustbin. Going
The World Economic Forum has declared data a commodity as valuable as gold. Like gold, however, data must be mined. Data lying fallow in a database is no more valuable than gold
As artificial intelligence (AI) continues to make inroads into our daily lives, people are getting both curious and anxious about how it works. One specific concern is AI’s lack of common sense.
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