Enterra Insights

In this blog, we discuss cognitive computing and other cutting-edge technologies with a focus on supply chain management, autonomous decision-making, and innovation. Other topics of discussion include digital enterprise transformation, autonomous intelligent enterprises, emerging technologies, and global trade. Our goal is to advance the public discussion about how cognitive computing and other advanced technologies affect the world in which we live.

Bradd C. Hayes is the active editor of this blog.


Targeting Generation Z Consumers, Part 1

The marketing world loves to generalize. Historically, generalizations made targeting consumers easier. One of the most widely referenced segmentations used by marketers is the artifice of “generations.” With baby boomers entering their

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Surviving the Retail Apocalypse

By now, most people are aware of the spate of retailer bankruptcies and store closures referred to in the press as the Retail Apocalypse. “For years now,” writes Ryan Lester, Director of

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Presidents Day 2019

Presidents’ Day is provides retailers with another holiday sales opportunity with campaigns often exploiting pictures of George Washington and Abraham Lincoln. The actual name of the federal holiday is Washington’s Birthday. The

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Valentine’s Day 2019

There are several different stories about the origins of Valentine’s Day (or St. Valentine’s Day); but, the story I prefer involves love and marriage. According to the BBC, “The popular belief about

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