Update on the Shipping Industry
As we look forward to 2012, a glut of shipping capacity may be good news for customers and bad news for carriers. The editorial staff at Supply Chain Digest reports, “The large
In this blog, we discuss cognitive computing and other technologies with a focus on supply chain management and innovation. Other topics of discussion include digital enterprise transformation, marketing, the Internet of Things, and smart cities. Our goal is to advance the public discussion about how cognitive computing and other advanced technologies affect the world in which we live.
Bradd C. Hayes is the active editor of this blog.
As we look forward to 2012, a glut of shipping capacity may be good news for customers and bad news for carriers. The editorial staff at Supply Chain Digest reports, “The large
At the moment, Somalia is known for three things: dysfunction, starvation, and piracy. The world has basically ignored Somalia’s internal dysfunction, struggled to deal with its famine, and has only taken half-measures
After posting a blog entitled Reducing the Operating Costs of Truck Transportation, I was contacted by Tom Stitt from Staxxon, a development stage start-up based in Montclair, NJ, that has developed an
A year ago the folks at Supply Chain Digest reported the findings of “the State of the Freight Report from the newly renamed Wolfe, Trahan & Co. (formerly Wolfe Research)” in which
Yesterday, I discussed a couple of pipe systems whose creators envision using to move freight underground to help relieve street congestion. Today, I want to move above ground. I want to discuss
The cost of a gallon of diesel fuel remains high and it doesn’t look like prices will be reduced dramatically any time soon (if ever). That fact has started a lot of
Like all commercial enterprises, trucking firms are in business to make a profit. Without trucking firms, the U.S. economy would collapse. Rising costs, however, concern both trucking firms and companies that rely
With gasoline and diesel prices hovering between $3 and $4 per gallon, some trucking firms have reduced capacity to ensure that more loads are filled. With capacity at a premium and rates
If earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanic eruptions, floods, fires, strikes and the like were not enough for supply chain professionals to worry about, supply chain analysts are now warning about systemic fragilities they see
In a world that appears to believe “bigger is better,” we have seen super-sized meals, super-sized stores, super-sized flat screen televisions, and super-sized churches. The logistics sector is apparently not immune to
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