Social Media and the Supply Chain, Part 2
In yesterday’s post, I discussed the views of three supply chain analysts regarding the impact that social media capabilities can have on a business. Those analysts were Adrian Gonzalez [“Is Social Media
In this blog, we discuss cognitive computing and other technologies with a focus on supply chain management and innovation. Other topics of discussion include digital enterprise transformation, marketing, the Internet of Things, and smart cities. Our goal is to advance the public discussion about how cognitive computing and other advanced technologies affect the world in which we live.
Bradd C. Hayes is the active editor of this blog.
In yesterday’s post, I discussed the views of three supply chain analysts regarding the impact that social media capabilities can have on a business. Those analysts were Adrian Gonzalez [“Is Social Media
Social media is a phenomenon that people are still trying to figure out how best to exploit. For example, in a Dilbert cartoon strip, Wally tells a fellow worker he can’t help
Douglas Alexander, Principal Consultant at Component Engineering Consultants, writes, “When I think of the word ‘sustainability,’ I imagine lasting value based on reliability, efficiency, dependability, availability, affordability, and consistency — factors treasured
Mindy S. Lubber, president of Ceres and director of Ceres’ Investor Network on Climate Risk (INCR), writes, “A supply chain is only as strong as its weakest link.” [“U.S. Companies Must Raise
In a post entitled Entrepreneurs, Medium-Sized Companies, and the Global Supply Chain, I discussed how mid-sized German companies (called Mittelstand) represent “80% of the world’s medium-sized market leaders” and have made Germany
Demographic concerns differ widely depending on where you live. For example, two articles published in the Financial Times on the same day carried very different messages. In the first article, an op-ed
Ericsson, the Swedish technology firm, has a vision of the world in which 50 billion devices are continuously connected and communicating. On its website, the company writes: “The vision of more than
In Part 1 of this two-part series, I discussed some new tactics being tried by brick-and-mortar retailers to halt the erosion of their sales to online retailers. At the end of yesterday’s
You only need to look at empty storefronts in some malls to know that brick-and-mortar retailers have been going through hard times. The main contributors to these hard times have been the
Back in December 2010, I wrote: “The general public has not paid a lot of attention to the portion of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act that deals with
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