Jobs, Jobs, Jobs
One thing that both liberals and conservatives seem to agree on is that America needs to create more jobs and reduce the ranks of the unemployed. Unfortunately, how to create those jobs
In this blog, we discuss cognitive computing and other technologies with a focus on supply chain management and innovation. Other topics of discussion include digital enterprise transformation, marketing, the Internet of Things, and smart cities. Our goal is to advance the public discussion about how cognitive computing and other advanced technologies affect the world in which we live.
Bradd C. Hayes is the active editor of this blog.
One thing that both liberals and conservatives seem to agree on is that America needs to create more jobs and reduce the ranks of the unemployed. Unfortunately, how to create those jobs
Just over a year ago, while President Obama was running for office, he gave a major economic speech in Toledo, Ohio, during which he declared: “Today I’m proposing a number of steps
In numerous posts about development and entrepreneurism, I have written about the optimistic nature of entrepreneurs. The Lebanese-born, American writer Khalil Gibran, once wrote: “The optimist sees the rose and not its
Since the current recession began, I have been touting the importance of entrepreneurs in getting the economy back on its feet. One of the characteristics possessed by most entrepreneurs — one that
New York Times‘ columnist Bob Herbert claims “the biggest issue confronting ordinary Americans right now — the biggest by far — is the devastatingly weak employment environment. Politicians talk about it, but
A recent article in The Economist declared that “demography means virtually all of us will have to work longer [“The end of retirement,” 27 June 2009 print issue]. It went on to
In a post entitled India’s Three E’s: Entrepreneurs, Economics, & Education, I noted that many educated India’s can’t find work because they don’t have the skills that employers are seeking. Less than
For decades, the Maghreb has been best known for being part of the arc of crisis that begins at Gibraltar and ends in Pakistan. Maghreb is an Arabic word meaning “place of
State capitalism is defined as an economic system that is primarily capitalistic but in which there is some degree of government ownership of the means of production. With the huge stimulus packages
Earlier this year, The Economist published a series of articles discussing how wireless communications is changing our lives and making us nomads [“Our nomadic future,” 12 April 2008 print edition]. The article
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