The Emergence of the Cognitive Supply Chain
Nearly a year ago I laid out my vision of what supply chains might look like in the future.[1] With the Supply Chain Insights Global Summit nearly upon us, a conference Enterra
In this blog, we discuss cognitive computing and other technologies with a focus on supply chain management and innovation. Other topics of discussion include digital enterprise transformation, marketing, the Internet of Things, and smart cities. Our goal is to advance the public discussion about how cognitive computing and other advanced technologies affect the world in which we live.
Bradd C. Hayes is the active editor of this blog.
Nearly a year ago I laid out my vision of what supply chains might look like in the future.[1] With the Supply Chain Insights Global Summit nearly upon us, a conference Enterra
Nearly half (48.5%) of executives surveyed by Narrative Science indicate that “automated communications that give business audiences data they can use to make effective business decisions” is one of the primary reasons
The 21st century business landscape will be characterized by the rise of the intelligent enterprise (i.e., organizations that use cognitive computing systems to increase efficiency and effectiveness). The first step towards the
Many analysts believe that in order for a business to survive and thrive in the information age, it must transform its industrial age organization into a digital enterprise. Kevin Benedict (@krbenedict), a Senior
Most analysts agree businesses face an imperative to transform into a digital enterprise or lose ground to competitors that do. Industrial age organizations are simply not up to the challenges of the
“Nothing ever comes to one, that is worth having,” Booker T. Washington once remarked, “except as a result of hard work.” I’m a firm believer that worthwhile work is good for the
The ground beneath businesses continues to shift as the impacts of e-commerce, new business models, digitization, and automation are fully felt. Many analysts are convinced that only companies successfully transforming themselves into
We’re all aware how digital enterprise transformation has swept across the entertainment industry forever altering that business landscape; however, the digitization tsunami is just reaching the shores of other industries about to feel its
For professionals who deal with extended supply chains, business is a 24/7 proposition. The old adage — “there is no rest for the weary” — certainly applies. Thomas W. Derry, Chief Executive
“Humans are more likely to work with smart machines in the digital enterprises of the future than be ousted by them,” writes Charles McLellan (@charlesmclellan), “but the possibility of economic and social
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