Category: Critical Infrastructure

In this blog, we discuss cognitive computing and other technologies with a focus on supply chain management and innovation. Other topics of discussion include digital enterprise transformation, marketing, the Internet of Things, and smart cities. Our goal is to advance the public discussion about how cognitive computing and other advanced technologies affect the world in which we live.

Bradd C. Hayes is the active editor of this blog.


Let’s Talk Water, Part 2

In the first segment of this 3-part series, I discussed some of the reasons that there is likely to be a shortage of fresh water in the decades ahead and some of

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Let’s Talk Water, Part 1

With all of the recent flooding in the United States, shortages of water may seem like a strange subject with which to be concerned. As we all know, however, like other resources,

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Innovative Building Materials

Last July I wrote a blog entitled The Future of Building Materials. In that post, I discussed new building materials that draw from nature, are made from waste material, or have the

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Floating Cities

Whether one believes that climate change is accelerated by human activity or not, the fact that the earth’s climate has changed (and continues to change) is undeniable. Some of the more dire

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Ports Vie for Increased Market Share

My last post discussed the shipping industry from the shipping line perspective. Today I would like to discuss the industry from the port operator perspective. With the vast majority of the world’s

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Critical Infrastructure and Worms

Perhaps you have been following the story about “computer systems at Iran’s first nuclear-power plant [that] have been infected with a potent worm capable of taking over their control systems” [“Computer Worm

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Investing in Energy

The Wall Street Journal claims that there is a lot of money to made (and lost) through investments in the energy sector and provides a quick overview of background information it thinks

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