Category: Connectivity

In this blog, we discuss cognitive computing and other technologies with a focus on supply chain management and innovation. Other topics of discussion include digital enterprise transformation, marketing, the Internet of Things, and smart cities. Our goal is to advance the public discussion about how cognitive computing and other advanced technologies affect the world in which we live.

Bradd C. Hayes is the active editor of this blog.


Ubiquitous Sensors and the Evernet

Talk about big brother watching you — Michael Peck reports how “someday the paint on your wall may spy on you.” [“Sensors in Your Paint?” Defense News, 19 March 2007]. Peck’s article

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Financing the Poor

As an entrepreneur, I understand the importance of funding and know how difficult it is to obtain. When I look for funding, I’m generally looking for millions of dollars whereas the poor

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Something Wiki This Way Comes

BusinessWeek Online recently published a special issue on wikis in the workplace [“CEO Guide to Technology“] It offers a simple definition of what wikis are: “Wikis are Web-based tools that make it

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U.S. No Longer the Leader in Telecommunications?

Eli Noam, professor of finance and economics at Columbia University, and Financial Times forum-member Thomas W. Hazlett had an interesting exchange about America’s leadership in the telecommunications sector [“Telecommunications leadership changes guard,”

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Web 2.0 in China

In my blog on Connectivity in China, I noted that Richard Ji, a Morgan Stanley analyst, claims the primary use of the Internet in China is entertainment, as opposed to the United

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Connectivity in China

One metric of whether a country is becoming more affluent is how much time and money its citizens spend on entertainment. When people are struggling in poverty they think about being hungry

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Update on Connecting the Poor

Last December I wrote a post about effort to get computers in the hands of students currenly living in poverty [Connecting the Poor]. The post was about a non-profit project called One

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Enmity or Engagement in Africa?

Last fall Lionel Barber and Andrew England wrote an article in the Financial Times about China’s advances in Africa [“China’s Africa scramble finds welcome in Kenya,” 9 August 2006]. The article begins

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Connecting through Education

In an interesting op-ed piece in the New York Times, the former dean of Yale’s School of Mangagement, Jeffrey E. Garten, talks about the importance of higher education for the promotion of

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