Category: Connectivity

In this blog, we discuss cognitive computing and other technologies with a focus on supply chain management and innovation. Other topics of discussion include digital enterprise transformation, marketing, the Internet of Things, and smart cities. Our goal is to advance the public discussion about how cognitive computing and other advanced technologies affect the world in which we live.

Bradd C. Hayes is the active editor of this blog.


Capitalism and the Net Generation

For security reasons, President Obama was told he would have to relinquish his Blackberry — a challenge he has apparently overcome. But along with his new encrypted Blackberry came a new email

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North Korea goes Mobile — sort of

North Korea remains one of the world’s most closed societies. Leaders in North Korea rightfully fear that opening up the world to their citizens would result in unrest that could topple the

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Is Google Rewiring our Brains?

The term “Google” has come to represent more than the name of the world’s most popular search engine or the company behind it. Google has become a verb as well as a

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Connecting Africa the Old Way

Most often when we hear the term “connectivity” we think about the Internet and the World Wide Web. In days of yore, it was the road or the sea that defined connectivity.

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Connected Turmoil

I’m a supporter of both globalization and connectivity. However, I’m not such a zealot that I see only their benefits and ignore their risks. The current financial crisis, which began with financial

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An Update on Zombies

October is the month known for witches, ghouls, ghosts, and skeletons because it ends with the holiday of Halloween. It seems like a good time to do an update on Zombies and

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When does Connectivity Narrow Thinking?

Two frequent topics of this blog have been connectivity and innovation. I’m in favor of both. An article in The Economist, however, raises the intriguing question: “Is the web narrowing scientists’ expertise?”

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The Rising "China Price"

In an earlier post [Changing Supply Lines], I discussed how rising fuel prices are changing manufacturers thinking about maintaining long supply lines. A recent article in the Washington Post reiterates that concerns

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