Category: Connectivity

In this blog, we discuss cognitive computing and other technologies with a focus on supply chain management and innovation. Other topics of discussion include digital enterprise transformation, marketing, the Internet of Things, and smart cities. Our goal is to advance the public discussion about how cognitive computing and other advanced technologies affect the world in which we live.

Bradd C. Hayes is the active editor of this blog.


The Mind — it is a-changin’

In three earlier posts [When does Connectivity Narrow Thinking?, Books Forever, and Is Google Rewiring our Brains?], I discussed how the availability of the Internet appears to have affected the way we

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Nature or Nurture?

Human beings have wrestled with the nature of man since the beginning of history. Despite all of the advances we have made in the sciences, we still debate about what is natural

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Traceable Supply Chains and Food Safety

Illnesses and deaths associated with tainted food are a constant concern for consumers, retailers, and suppliers. In addition to physical consequences, economic consequences of food recalls can be enormous. According to a

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Breaking Down Silos

The deleterious effects of organizational silos have received a lot of press recently. Med Yones, an international expert specializing in global strategy, organization development, and innovation management, has remarked: “The larger the

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The Curse of Silo Thinking

One of the characteristics of industrial age enterprises is that they are organized around functional departments. This organizational structure results in both siloed information and siloed thinking. For nearly a hundred years,

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Networks and Social Responsibility

Yesterday’s post [The Latest Views on Corporate Social Responsibility and Philanthropy] discussed some of the changes that are occurring in the area of social responsibility. The post focused on a special Wall

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Mobile Phones and Development

I have written a number of posts about how mobile phones have changed life in developing countries (see, for example, Mobile Phones in Africa and Relief, Development, and the Digital Divide). The

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