Category: Cognitive Computing

In this blog, we discuss cognitive computing and other technologies with a focus on supply chain management and innovation. Other topics of discussion include digital enterprise transformation, marketing, the Internet of Things, and smart cities. Our goal is to advance the public discussion about how cognitive computing and other advanced technologies affect the world in which we live.

Bradd C. Hayes is the active editor of this blog.


Monetizing Cognitive Computing

IBM has great hopes that its Watson computer system will someday become a huge profit center. According to Spencer E. Ante, last fall IBM’s Chief Executive Virginia “Ginni” Rometty predicted that Watson

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Predictions for the Coming Year: Marketing

Predictions being made for 2014 in the marketing arena include prognostications about targeted marketing, data analytics, customer experience, and data integration. There a number of sources for predictions in the marketing sector

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Big Data is a Big Deal in Healthcare

Sharon Terry, President and Chief Executive Officer of Genetic Alliance, asserts, “I find myself becoming increasingly optimistic that we are approaching a tipping point for the consumer movement in health.” [“Big Data

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Cognitive Computing

There seems to be some confusion about exactly what the term “cognitive computing” means. S.E. Smith writes, “Cognitive computing refers to the development of computer systems modeled after the human brain. Originally

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Big Data and Better Health

In late 2011, you might have read that IBM and healthcare provider WellPoint Inc., the nation’s largest insurer by membership, were teaming together to leverage the computing power of “IBM’s Watson supercomputer

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Business and Artificial Intelligence

“A Singularity has no business model,” writes Science fiction author Bruce Sterling, “no major power group in our society is interested in provoking one, nobody who matters sees any reason to create

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Cognitive Computing

Researchers at the Cognitive Computing Research Group at the University of Memphis claim that cognitive computing, like the Roman God Janus, has two faces. In the case of cognitive computing, they claim

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Big Data and Semantics

“Perhaps when it comes to natural language processing and related fields,” writes Alon Halevy, Peter Norvig, and Fernando Pereira, “we’re doomed to complex theories that will never have the elegance of physics

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