Targeted Marketing: Facebook and Apple at War
A simmering cold war between Facebook and Apple has recently heated up. Back in 2019, journalist David Ingram (@David_Ingram) noted, “Apple CEO Tim Cook has rarely missed an opportunity in the past
Bradd C. Hayes is the active editor of this blog.
A simmering cold war between Facebook and Apple has recently heated up. Back in 2019, journalist David Ingram (@David_Ingram) noted, “Apple CEO Tim Cook has rarely missed an opportunity in the past
The topic of supply chain resilience sprouted in the media and professional journals as a result of the coronavirus pandemic. Resilience is defined as the capacity to recover quickly from difficulties or
Intuition is defined as the ability to understand something immediately, without the need for conscious reasoning. It’s also been called a gut feeling. Alyssa Newcomb notes, “Gut feelings aren’t always correct, but
The retail sector has been especially hard hit by the coronavirus pandemic. The closure of physical stores has forced numerous retailers to file for bankruptcy and accelerated the so-called Retail Apocalypse. The
In Part One of this article, I explained why business leaders should get excited about machine learning and how it can help improve their operations and decision-making. In this article, I will
The late German philosopher Theodor W. Adorno once stated, “Words of the jargon sound as if they said something higher than what they mean.” That’s exactly why marketers and vendors love buzzwords
One of the great fears many people have is that artificial intelligence (AI) systems, like Skynet in Terminator movies, will wage war and eventually turn weapons on all of humankind deeming humanity
Store closures and stay-at-home orders during the coronavirus pandemic forced most consumers to shop online. Daphne Howland (@daphnehowland) reports, “As stores were forced to close, digital sales were expected to take over.
Data has always been important to marketers. John Wanamaker, the late department store magnate, once stated, “Half the money I spend on advertising is wasted. The trouble is I don’t know which
Some things seem destined to go together; for example, a wink & a smile; bed & breakfast; cookies & milk; and fish & chips. Many pundits assert 5G and cognitive technologies —
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