Enterra Insights

In this blog, we discuss cognitive computing and other cutting-edge technologies with a focus on supply chain management, autonomous decision-making, and innovation. Other topics of discussion include digital enterprise transformation, autonomous intelligent enterprises, emerging technologies, and global trade. Our goal is to advance the public discussion about how cognitive computing and other advanced technologies affect the world in which we live.

Bradd C. Hayes is the active editor of this blog.


Cooking and Climate

Twenty years ago Donald Johnson, an animal-nutrition specialist at Colorado State University, published a study about how much methane gas is emitted by cows and how that release of gas could adversely

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Commodity Economics: Feast or Famine

For decades development strategists have been trying to get countries whose national economies are primarily dependent on exporting a single commodity to diversify. In the world of commodities, things are seldom stable

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Go Green, Save Lives

We’re all familiar with the negative consequences of living in a polluted world. We also intuitively understand that drinking clean water and breathing clean air improves health and saves lives. The military,

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Time for a New Internet?

I’ve written a number of posts about security issues relating to the Internet and World Wide Web. We’re all at risk and it’s getting more difficult to keep up our defenses. According

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Time Magazine’s Small World

There is a saying in Europe about American sports that goes something like this: “When we hold a world championship, we actually invite the world.” It’s a reference to events like baseball’s

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The Challenge of Kirkuk

Kirkuk is an important historical city in northern Iraq. There is archaeological evidence (the Kirkuk Citadel) that the city sits on the oldest site of continuous occupation in Iraq — stretching back

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Happy Birthday World Wide Web

The World Wide Web was born twenty years ago last month, when Sir Tim Berners-Lee, who at the time was working at CERN, wrote a paper that bore the innocuous title “Information

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Transparency and Trust

My friend and fellow blogger Critt Jarvis recently posted a blog entitled “Transparency is key to building high trust relationships.” That post directed me to another interesting article on transparency that was

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Afghanistan and Pakistan

With military commanders in Iraq indicating that plans for the withdrawal U.S. troops remain on track, more and more attention is being paid to the conflict in Afghanistan (which has overflowed into

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Poverty and Children

In a recent blog entitled The Cost of Crisis, I discussed the devastating toll that the current financial crisis is having on children living in poverty. The World Bank indicates that as

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