Enterra Insights

In this blog, we discuss cognitive computing and other cutting-edge technologies with a focus on supply chain management, autonomous decision-making, and innovation. Other topics of discussion include digital enterprise transformation, autonomous intelligent enterprises, emerging technologies, and global trade. Our goal is to advance the public discussion about how cognitive computing and other advanced technologies affect the world in which we live.

Bradd C. Hayes is the active editor of this blog.


The Importance of Connections

Humans have been rightly labeled social animals. Of course, humans aren’t alone. According to an entry in Wikipedia, “A social animal is a loosely defined term for an organism that is highly

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Exploiting Limited Resources

In a previous post [Water Challenges in Israel], I discussed how Israel is using technology to get the most from its limited water resources. Water, of course, is not the only resource

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Crises and the "Next Big Thing"

Crises are often watershed events. Through the course of the most serious crises, the strong survive and the weak die off. As we watch automobile companies struggle to survive, no one is

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Behold the Baobab

Africans consider the baobab tree a miracle of nature. Botanically, the baobab tree is from the genus Adansonia, which contains eight species of trees (six native to Madagascar, one native to mainland

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Of Bosses and Business

The current economic recession focused the harsh light of the media on chief executive officers of businesses that either helped create the conditions that caused the downturn or weren’t strong enough to

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Vitamins and Development

Almost everyone knows that in the heyday of sailing ships, scurvy was the scourge of sailors. For those not familiar with the disease, Wikipedia reports: “Scurvy leads to the formation of spots

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Capitalism and Inequality

Opponents of capitalism believe that the system is inherently flawed because it creates enormous inequalities in wealth. Back in March 2004, The Economist published an article that examined that belief [“More or

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The Debate about Smart Grids Continues

The stimulus package passed earlier this year by Congress contains funding for smartening up America’s power grid. An office park in northern Kentucky, sponsored by Duke Energy, is one of several proof-of-concept

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LED to the Future

When most of us hear the term “light emitting diode” or LED, we think either about the little lights that tell us that our electronic gizmos are on or solar-powered landscape lighting

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