Machine Learning and Your Business
With the emergence of the Digital Age, nearly every business executive has felt the ground shift beneath his or her feet. Because the business landscape continues to change, steadying one’s self is
Bradd C. Hayes is the active editor of this blog.
With the emergence of the Digital Age, nearly every business executive has felt the ground shift beneath his or her feet. Because the business landscape continues to change, steadying one’s self is
For nearly a decade, pundits have been touting the transformative effects of additive manufacturing (aka 3D printing). Four years ago Matthew Timms wrote, “Cited by some as ‘the next industrial revolution’, 3D
Supply chains have been around since humankind first began trading goods millennia ago. The global economy was built on the shoulders of trade and the legs of supply chains. Yet, the supply
There is a raging debate between pundits about how artificial intelligence (AI) will impact jobs in the future. On one side pundits are predicting AI and robotics will eliminate millions of human
Ernest (Lord) Rutherford, who some people call the father of nuclear physics, once famously said, “We have no money, therefore we must think.” Money is just one resource that can constrain innovation
With new network security breaches announced every week, people now understand many of the risks associated with cybersecurity. Several years ago, Irfan Saif (@irfansaif), a principal with Deloitte & Touche LLP’s Cyber
Joseph Stalin is often cited as having remarked, “Quantity has a quality all its own.” The statement refers to the fact that, in military circles, having a lot of something (like artillery
John Wanamaker, the late department store magnate, once stated, “Half the money I spend on advertising is wasted. The trouble is I don’t know which half.” Targeted marketing was created to address
Change and transformation are never easy, especially if what you have been doing has proven successful. You know the old saying, “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.” Supply chain professionals would
Even the most casual observer of the human condition understands the world continues to become more technologically advanced. In spite of a few eras during which humankind’s knowledge regressed, technological advancement is
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