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About Enterprise Resilience Management: A Welcome to Tech Central Station Readers

April 5, 2006


If you’ve found this blog as a result of my Tech Central Station article, welcome!


A few words of introduction — our goal here is to introduce the concept of Enterprise Resilience Management, and explore its implications for security, compliance and performance management challenges.  Enterprise Resilience Management is a framework — consisting of a best-practices methodology and a standards-based technology solution — that I created, and am developing through my company, Enterra Solutions®.  The framework is designed to make organizations resilient to the challenges — and the opportunities — that result from globalization and rapid technologic change.  Enterprise Resilience Management Methodology® identifies an organization’s critical assets, the business processes that support the assets, and the rules that make up the processes.  Rules can consist of the steps required to comply with regulations, or of an organization’s operating procedures and best practices.  The rules are then automated using standards-based languages such as BPEL, Java and XML.  The result is a series of automated processes that connect the organization’s previously siloed departments and IT systems.  Because processes are automated, they operate quickly and consistently, with greatly reduced risk of error.  Information about processes in progress is served to managers and decision-makers so they can intervene as needed.  The Enterprise Resilience Management Methodology unifies security, compliance and performance management into a single function that enables the organization to sense its environment, detect changes, and respond as a whole to threats and opportunities.


Enterprise Resilience Management Methodology applies at a variety of scales — supporting a single function in a single organization; supporting multiple functions; governing the operation of an extended supply chain or a networked battlespace; or supporting national and transnational systems.  “Development in a Box” — the application I explore at Tech Central Station — applies the Enterprise Resilience Management Methodology framework to the global challenge of reconstruction and stabilization in post-conflict and failing states.


Enterprise Resilience Management Methodology is designed for private-sector organizations in critical infrastructure industries — such as financial services, energy and utilities, healthcare and life sciences — and for governmental agencies involved in national security, defense, intelligence, and critical infrastructure protection.  As I discuss in my article, Enterprise Resilience Management brings together methodology and technology, and combines the best of private- and public-sector capabilities into a new platform for running organizations and national and transnational systems in the age of globalization.

Many current issues have a bearing on — and might benefit from the application of — Enterprise Resilience Management.  In this blog, we explore those issues as they emerge in public discussion.


I hope you’ll join the discussion.  Please visit the blog often — and use the e-mail links at left to let us know what you think.

Again — welcome!

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